Saturday, January 15, 2011

New Year, New Me!

OK, so it's been a few months since I have put anything down, BUT not as long as it usually is, lol. Let me start out by saying that a whole lot of nothing has changed within my family, but I have had a major change. I am now a DERBY GIRL! I skate my butt off three times a week and have fun doing it! My sister has been trying to get me into derby for years. I kept laughing it off and not really paying any mind to what she looked at as a benefit to joining such a team. I thought you had to be fearless and reckless and just out of your mind to want to be involved in such a sport. I was SO wrong!
Derby is fun, hard work, team based AND it's for women! I mean, we have some guys in our league, but they are reffing and/or coaching. They are not out there skating with us. The women I am skating with are funny, sweet, endearing and have hearts so big that you feel like your in a great big hug while you are skating with them. I know it sounds ridiculous, considering that we basically knock each other around while skating, but it is all true. The encouragement and comaraderie that I have felt since I started skating with these women is unlike anything I have felt before.
Many people in my life view me as an outgoing person. I think this is residual from when I used to be a cheerleader. However, those who really know me, they know that I am truly akward around people I do not know and it is very difficult for me to small talk with a stranger. When I started skating with some of these girls, I thought for sure it would be business as usual and I would be the uncomfortable stilted new person. SO WRONG! These girls just get to you and they do it in a way that makes you feel valuable and interesting. They want to know you and they want to encourage you.
Now that I have been skating with these girls for a few months, I find myself doing the same with the newer girls coming in. I am able to walk up to a new face and jump into a real conversation. I talk with them, help them and form a bond with them. I have never been a part of something like this before.
I am so thankful to my sister for bringing derby into my life. Granted, I pooh, poohed her endlessly, but if it wasn't for her, I never would have thought I could join such a fantastic sport. I will forever be grateful to the 60+ women that show up to practice and become my favorite people for the 2-3 hours we are together. I feel like they filled an empty part of me.
I love my family, they truly are the reason I get up everyday. I have just added a few dozen more women to that family...

Monday, October 4, 2010

Family Time

My mom and dad came to Washington for a visit this weekend. I love that my parents are willing to travel to see us. OK, so they come for the grandkids, but I think they like to see me and Ryan, too. With how far apart we live, the drive would have been too long and so they flew. I m pretty sure they never want to drive up here again, lol.

While they were here, we ate at some of our favorite place, went to Richland to go shopping and my momma went with me when I got my hair colored and cut. We got to spend some great time together and they got to spoil the grandkids. And boy were they spoiled! Food, clothes, toys, movies and all the hugs and kisses they could fit in! Ryan and I got to spend some time alone and were able to pick my dad's brain about lawn care and house repairs we may need to do. My mom was able to do some stuff on frontierville with me, I gave her a series of books I am reading and she bought me some new dishes. All in all, it was a great, but short visit.

I am not sure when we will be seeing them again, as we are staying in our small town for the holidays. The only trip to be made in the near future is Ryan's trip to Washington DC at the end of October. He gets to visit some awesome friends that we have not seen in about 6+ years, as well as go to The Smithsonian and Jon Stewart's rally. He is really looking forward to taking some great pictures and visiting the monuments down at The Mall. I can't wait to see them!

Ryan will be coming home just in time for Trick-or-Treating with the boys. This year Euan is going to be a shark and Brenyn a bat. Scary, scary!!!! We don't go door to door with the boys, because this town has many college students and you never know what you will get on the otherside of the door, but they have fantastic trick-or-treating events downtown that the boys go to every year. I am really excited to see what they come up with this year, because last year there were 3 haunted houses se up in businesses along the downtown streets.

Happy October, everyone!!!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

And I Am Utter Fail!

Yes, yes, yes! I know it has been, uh, 8 months since I have last written? Eeeep! I tell you it is life. Oh, and I am not the type of person who really likes to write, if I did, I would get my stuff published and make a gazillion dollars! Hah!!!!

OK, seriously, what has been going on?

First, Ryan has been kickin' butt in school. Not joking, the guy has made Dean's List every quarter. Straight A's! My hubs is a motivated and dedicated student. On top of school, he does web admin for his Momma. Yeah, cushy job working for his mom, BUT, he actually does about 20-30 hrs of work a week on her sites, so he isn't freeloading. *shrug* Just sayin, he is doing a great job all around! His artwork is coming along fanastically. He is SO good. And I am not saying that just because I married the dude. He has real talent. I can not wait to see how the school nurtures and advances his talent. I am so very proud of him!

Second, Brenyn!!!! This kid has amazed us everyday this year. He was in first grade and he did such a good job! His teachers have been telling us since December that he is above his grade level in reading. Come to find out, he is two, yes 2, grades above on his reading level. This means our kid is reading at a 3rd grade level!!!! Who is an excited momma? ME!!!! We all know that I LOVE to read. In fact, pretty much my entire family reads, but it warms me from my head to my tippy toes that my baby reads so well. On top of this, we were also notified that he is excelling in math! Yay!!! I hate math, as in it is ALMOST it was almost as evil as learning the differences between MLA and APA style writing (which I hated), so to know that my child is doing well in it....Well let's say I sighed in relief, because I didn't want my kid to be hurt by my exasperation at having to learn this stuff a second time in order to help him with his homework.
Oh, something you guys may have heard, Brenyn got hit in the face with a golf club earlier this month. OK, so the story goes like this:
Brenyn went to a friends house to play. The dad let's them play with golf clubs in the backyard and sets limits as to where the kids have to stand when someone is swinging the club. The kids stop playing golf and the clubs, somehow, end up in the front yard. The 4 year old little girl that lives across the street pics up a golf club and starts swinging it. Brenyn walks into her backswing when he tries to stop her from playing with the golf club.
I was scared! Not gonna even play it down, I freaked. As is I was so upset that I didn't go to the ER with Ryan and Brenyn because I was afraid I would upset Brenyn even more with my blubbering. Let's face it, he was scared enough as is. He did not need his momma crying her fool head off in the ER waitingroom. So.... after about 3 hrs, an x-ray, a CT-scan, an IV drip chuck full of antibiotics and a shot of morphine, they send Brenyn home with more antibiotics, Tylenol with codiene and an appointment to see an Oral Surgeon at Seattle Children's Hospital. That's right, he had to see an oral surgeon. He has a fracture in his upper jaw that the ER doc claimed might have to be wired shut. The next morning, I drive Brenyn to the OS and he gets more xrays. They find the fracture. They decide it is too small and poses no threat to the development of his adult teeth. HE DOES NOT NEED HIS JAW WIRED SHUT!!! I am the most elated mom in Seattle at this point!!!! So what did he need done? Well the backswing took care of his already loose front tooth, but knocked his left incisor loose. They said they could leave it, but he would have to come back and have it pulled anyway if it turned out to be a dead tooth, or they could pull it right then and there. I told them to pull it! And they did. Brenyn is now 3 teeth short of a full set. His gap looks super cute. The swelling of his face and lip went down within a week. He looks completely normal now, with the exception of the massive gap in his mouth. He was running, jumping, swimming and playing outside within 3 days of seeing the OS. Don't freak, I checked with the doctor first. They said he could go out whenever he wanted, as long as we made sure he was taking his antibiotics, which we were. So Brenyn is all good. In fact, he is attending Cub Scouts day camp this week and we are heading down to NV on Thursday to visit my folks, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins.....just a slew of people! Our family could take over a hotel and we'd still have people sleeping in the lobby, hahahaha!!!!

OK, third, Euan. This child! I swear he will be the death of me. He is so random, so smart and almost to inquisitive to be healthy. Sometimes he scares me. The other night Ryan had let the boys watch some show on The History Channel about space and the Earth and how he predicts the world will end. Euan comes into the room (where I was reading because I had no desire to watch that show) and says, "Mom, when we die, we come back to Earth as babies." I choked! I asked him who told him that and he said, "Dad." I went out to the living room and asked Ryan about it. Ryan said he did no such thing. He said that the show had said something about the world being destroyed and people were going to die. Euan latched on to that and decided that reincarnation was the logical expansion on such a statement. He then tells both me and Ryan that when the world explodes it will be like nuclear bombs. We were flabbergasted! Who is teaching our child this stuff? Now to make this story FUNNY, he turns to me, pets my leg (I have on shorts) and says, "Momma, your skin is so pretty." I say thanks and he says, "Yeah, it's so white!" Yes, this whole last paragraph takes place within 15 minutes. My child freaks me out sometimes! Hahahahaha. Other than this type of behavior, Euan is ok.

We have decided not to enroll him in school this next school year. We did not come to this decision lightly, at all. He will be turning 5 in August, which means he will most assuredly be one of the youngest students in his class. On top of this, he has been attending pre-school for 3 years and he is still behind on his social development. His teachers are slightly concerned. We are too, so we figure 1 more year of preschool will not hurt the kid. He is really sweet, but his self-confidence will probably take a hit if we rush him into a new situation too fast.

Lastly, me. Not much is going on with me. When we get back from visiting family in NV, I hope to find a job. I would like to find something that has a steady income, if not full time salary pay. Ryan and I want to BUY a home, but it looks like I have to have a job first. No hair off my back. I like to work.

One last thing... Ryan and I became Uncle and Aunt again for the second time. My baby sister, Meagan, had a beautiful daughter in May. VaughnEmery Eunice Berry. I was there for the birth and to help a bit afterwards. She is so gorgeous, but then if you look at her parents, how could she not be? I get to see her again in July and I AM STOKED!!!!

OK, that's it for now. My fingers hurt and I need to catch some ZZZZZ's. Until next time...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Haha, 2 posts in less than a week. WAZZUP!!!!

OK, so I am tired.

We are having issues with people at work and I guess I am the go to girl for taking people's shifts. Sigh. I finally put my foot down yesterday. My boss cornered me when I came in for my shift and said that there was a possibility of a 'no call, no show' from one of my co-workers and she wanted me to take his shift today (Thursday) if it happened. Now, I wouldn't mind usually, but this person calle in sick all weekend and I took his shifts. Today was going to be my one day off this week, when I was supposed to have a day off on Monday and took the person's shift. ANYWAY, I told my boss it wasn't possible. It looked as though she wanted to say something, so I continued by telling her that id Thursday wasn't to be my only day off this week, I wouldn't have a problem, but the fact that I had to work from Friday night on and I have to close Friday through Sunday this coming weekend, I needed a day off to spend with my kids and hubby. I am the ONLY person at my job who has a family, the rest are college kids, so I think that swayed her against saying something. Not to mention that I already take most shifts, except opening, while she has to work around everyone else's schedules. OK, enough about work.....

Brenyn came home the other day with school pics. Whoop, whoop. Now as we all know, kids that are 6 years old don't usually take very good school pics, especially little boys who are running around like little boys. So his pics came back SO GOOD!!!!!! The ONLY issue I have is that his teachers buttoned his shirt ALL the way up, when I sent him to school with the top two buttons undone. I did that for a reason, sigh. But, he still looks SO good. I am so happy.

Euan also had pics done, but not by a professional photographer. They sent home 2 proofs with an order sheet from shutterfly, lol. The pics are cute, but I am not sure I want to buy sheets of those pics. We will see.

Ryan has a project that he needs to do for one of his classes. He chose an extra-curricular art program, like that's surprising, pffft. His first meeting is today and I hope he gets something from it. He has such low esteem in regards to his art. I don't see why, because I think his art is AMAZING, not saying that just cause I am his wife either. If anyone is interested in seeing his art, go to his website, OK, so he only has one of his pieces up right now, but you kinda get the feel for his kind of art with that pic. He is really good.

I miss my sister. This is random, but with everything going on with her pregnancy and her husband being away for his SF training, I wish I was there for her. I remember what it was like to have my hubby gone for long periods of times while I stayed home with the boys, I couldn't imagine having the pg hormones to deal with on top of that. Not to mention my sister is emotional any other time. 3000 miles is a lot when you have no family and not many friends around you during difficult times.

OK, I am off now, cause the laundry and dishes won't do themselves, lol.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Apparently once a year is all I have in me, lol.

After reading my dear cousins blog many days in a row now, due to her and her husband's happy news of becoming first time parents, I realized that I still have this blog, sigh. I am utter FAIL. So what's been new with me?
1) Ryan is with us!!!! Yay!!!! He moved to Ellensburg at the end of March and has only left us a couple days at a time to make the trec down to his mom's place to do some work around her massive house. Nothing like the 6-8 month deployments/seperations we have had to go through the past 4 years. It makes me happy. He has also started at CWU and will be majoring in Graphic Design.
2) I have not finished my degree yet and it has been put on hold until at least next fall, as we are trying to figure out finances. My GI Bill only has three months left on it and that will not be enough to cover the 18 credits I need to obtain my BS. I am slightly dissapointed, but on the bright side, this gives me the break I have deperately needed after attenting school non-stop for 30 months. No joke, I would have a week in between quarters and I went to school year round. I deserve a little down time even if this does mean putting off my degree at such a late point. Only 18 credits left though, so I will bust those out in 2 semesters once I start back up. The FINISHED.
3) I have a job, but it is only at a grocery. Nothing to get excited about, but it gives me plenty of time for my family and this helps when Ryan needs to study or if the kids are feeling poorly. I usually work nights, so I am asleep when the boys go to school, but I am awake before they get home and I do not leave for work until it is almost bed-time, so I get to spend a majority of their home-time at home with them. Ideal in that, not so ideal in the pay, oh well, we must make allowances where we can.
4) The flu hit us all hard last week. All 4 of us got it and were out for the count. I never, and i mean NEVER, want to be sick at the same time as Ryan ever again. All men are babies when they are sick, how many of us have heard this statement? I know it is true for Ryan and while I don't usually mind, because I love taking care of him, when I am sick and feeling poorly myself, I really hate to hear the whining and 'poor me' that comes from him. Not to sound mean, but it's too much for me to handle, lol. Next time we are sick together, I am sending him to his mothers house, lol. We are all over the flu now, thank goodness. We can go back to business as usual.
5) This holiday season may be espeially difficult for me, as my hubby and kids are more than likely heading to NV without me. My brother, who is stationed in Hawaii, is coming home, as well as my pregger sister, who lives in NC. My mom wants to have a psuedo-family reunion for this event and I will more than likely have to work during that time. I will not have to work on Christmas, as we are closed, but since I work with mostly college kids and I am the newest hire, the odds of my boss approving time off for me during the holidays is slim. So, I am sending Ryan with the boys, so my family can at least enjoy the kids and the in-law in their midst, even if I can't be there. It's kinda weird that it may be like this because Ryan has missed the last 3 Christmas' with our family and now I will probably miss this one, bizarre.
6) As I stated in 5, my baby sister is having a baby. I am uber-excited to be an aunt again and while I really don't care what she has, I am secretly hoping for a girl. My sister is about 12 weeks right now and had a miscarriage scare this past week. Turns out she had a slight placental abruption, baby is fine, but my sister has to be careful for a while. We are all praying for her and the baby. If that isn't difficult enough for her, her husband is SF in the Army and is out training right now, so he has no idea that my sister is having these problems in her pregnancy. There is a way for my sister to let him know, but she does not want him to drop his trainging and have to go through it all over again, so she is handling it on her own. She is such a strong woman and her baby seems to be taking after her.
7) Brenyn and Euan are getting super big. Brenyn is now 6 1/2 and Euan is 4. Brenyn started first grade this year and is loving it. His reading is advanced for his age and his writing and math skills are right on target. Our first parent-teacher conference is Nov. 18 and we are really excited to see his progress through this year. Euan started at a new pre-school and while, educationally, it is good, I SO miss the pre-school Brenyn went to in Hawaii. The fit seems off, but this is the second Pre-school he has been to and the first one was too much like a daycare. We are running out of options for pre-school and so we are going to keep him in this one. I am just glad he starts kindergarten next school year!!!!
OK, that is all for now. I must head off to bed. I hope to not be away almost another year before I post again, but knowing me, it will probably be July before I get on here again, we shall see. Much love to my family. Smoochies!!!!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

And it has been a while......

So, I am at my parents home for the holidays and my beautiful cousin, none so gently (lol), reminded me that I haven't blogged in a while. I must confess, I have been very busy and I think I suppressed my need to write due to many things, which include the research papers that my professors deem necessary for me to obtain my degree, hahahaha. Well, a lot of things have happened since I last wrote. My children and I have moved to a small town in Washington and Ryan is stuck in Hawaii a bit longer. In July, Ryan, the boys and I visited Ryan's mom in Washington. While there for a visit, Ryan and I went on a road trip to do a couple day tour of a college and town about an hour and a half from his mom's house. We LOVED the town and the feel of the community. We decided, after only a few hours in town, that we were definitely going to like the area. The next day we were completely won over, after the tour of the college and Ryan speaking to a counselor about CWU's graphic design program. We made the decision to move the kids and I back to Ellensburg ahead of Ryan getting out of the Marine Corps. The boys and I moved October 1. Over the last couple of months, I have been getting the boys settled, starting and completing one more semester at Chaminade U and trying to find a job. In this economic downfall, it is really difficult for me to find a job that I can actually do. I could get just about any job I want (with the exception of college professor), however, the jobs in my field require shift changes. Since I do not have a babysitter for the boys, I am unable to work nights and weekends, so I think if I am going to get a job in my field, I will have to wait until Ryan makes his way up to Washington. So much for getting everything done before Ryan gets out.
Well, onto the less stressfull area of our lives, once again Ryan and I are not living together. It seems like this would be the worst part, but we have done it so often, it almost seems normal. ALMOST. Over the holiday it has been worst than the last two and a half months. It is dificult because 1)this is Ryan's third Chrostmas that he has missed with us, 2) everyone is constantly asking us why Ryan is not with us and 3) Ryan is alone, which breaks my heart!!!!! Ryan told me in October that he decided to stay in Hawaii to save money and to save his leave. While this makes sense, Ryan and I found out it may not have been worth it. He was alone and he missed the kids terribly. I know he missed me as well, but he has experienced only one Christmas with Euan and that was when Euan was 4 months old. Also, Ryan missed the whole family. Funny, since they razz him (in a superficial and non-harmful way), but then again most of the men who marry into our family get razzed for marrying one of us, LOL.
So, the boys and I will head home soon and I think, fo the most part, it will be all downhill. Ryan will be joining us around March 11, I will continue to search for a job and I have 2 more semesters left until I recieve my degree. I graduate in June and Ryan will be home in March. How much better can things get right about now?? Well, I am closing this post and I will try to be more diligent in writing (I am not promising anything Deborah, but I will try :))

Monday, March 24, 2008

Couple Months Later

OK, so my husband came home at the end of January. YAY!!!!!!! I have been a busy bee. So with school and my kids, I decided to be even more of an idiot and I went and got a part time job. Well, it was supposed to be a part time job, but lately I have been working about 35-40 hours a week. Thank goodness that I have just taken my finals yesterday. My next semester doesn't start for 2 weeks, so I get myself a good, long break (sarcasm is so hard to put into words)!!!! Again, thank goodness I have only three semesters left before I have my BS in criminal justice. Yay, I graduate in December!!!!!!
OK, so now onto the boys. Brenyn is on Spring Break and is driving Ryan and I nuts. We love it, even if we find ourselves amazed at the attitude he has been portraying. I think he is grasping the idea that he needs to use words instead of fists to get his point across. What a relief. We were really starting to worry about it, especially when I picked him up from school one day and found out he punched a little girl in the face. I made him bake cookies with me and give them to her as an apology (I OK'd it with her mom first). Brenyn has also started t-ball. He LOVES it. Of course, what is not to love, but this boy is going all out. He is the youngest and smallest on his team, but the joy is all over his face at practice. His first game is on April 5th and my only sadness is that I probably won't be able to go, due to work. We will see.
On to Euan. There isn't much to put out there right now. He is still gorgeous and the women at his day care love him. He really has the sweetest disposition of any little boy I have ever met. He is caring and he likes to help people. I see it being slightly altered whenever he is around Brenyn, but I figure that it is just a sibling thing to be following Brenyn's lead. Other than that, Euan's ears are still doing well. It's been almost a year since he had the tubes put in and as far as the dr's can tell, they are still there. If they are still there in 6 months, the dr's want to go in and remove them. We will see.
Ryan, the love of my life, is doing well. He has re-acclimated to the climate of Hawaii. Apparently, it is much hotter and more humid in the Philippines than in Hawaii, go figure. So the first two weeks Ryan was home, he was wearing sweats. Ah whatever!!!! Well, he is back at work now. He is in charge of about ten Marines. Oh, did I mention he was promoted to SSGT, it now takes an act of congress to demote him if he gets in trouble, not that he ever would. So he is in charge and sadly, we are unable to hang out with many of our old friends. Since Ryan is a staff nco, we can only hang out with staff nco's. I know it's dumb, but we have to deal. Ryan is excited that he only has a year left. His command is trying to get him to reenlist, but it would take about 50 million dollars to get him to sign another contract. He wants to go to school. So I am making him start now, hahahaha. I signed him up for an online English class. He might as well start getting those lower division general credits out of the way. The more school he gets done now, the less he will have to do when he gets out.
His birthday is on the 27th. I have no idea what to get him, but I am sure it will be expensive and have to do with video games. I am a PS3 widow.
OK, going to bed now. I have to work tomorrow and I need more than five hours of sleep!!!!!